Sunday, April 1, 2012

ntah bila ~ BODMAS principle


Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang.

Alhamdulillah selesai sudah satu bulan yg aku rasa sangat happy. bukan la happy sebab bulan tu dah berakhir tapi happy sebab pengisian sepanjang bulan MAC ini banyak mengisi lompong-lompong dalam hati. Pengisian bulan Mac ini banyak  buat aku muhasabah diri. Pengisian bulan ini jugak buat aku makin terbuka minda. terbuka hati.

nak berkongsi sesuatu

Dalam kehidupan kronik ini semuanya nampak tak berharga! semua kelihatan tak bermaya

''disitu akal mula berbicara..
bila ada iman yang menghalang..
bila ada akal yang menyanggah..
disitu nafsu makin menggila..

alangkah indahnya....
saat mulut meluah rasa..
iman tersenyum lega...
akal ketawa seakan bangga.."

pernah menjadi status FB aku pada ketika terasa sangat lelah. hampir berputus asa. mudah sangat nak mengalah. Alangkah ruginya aku. tapi Alhamdulillah Allah masih sayangkan aku..

Festival Islam (I-fest) UTP sebenarnya sampai pada masa yg betul dan pada ketika yang betul. I was trying so hard on my mujahadah, i tried to ishtiqamah on what I have decided. on that time i was looking for something which could made stronger. creating the healthy environment, searching and reading those inspiring books to build my inner strength.

I was later saw an twitter update fro  Wardina Safiyyah that saying she will be at UTP. I SMSed my cousin who is studying at UTP. Alhamdulillah she was one of the comittee for the programme.


that how i felt that time.

inspiring people

ohhh..what about the post title? haha I haven't describe it. Yup. but for me I'm going to relate our life with the Principle of BODMAS.

what is BODMAS cik Syuhada?

B- bracket
D- division
A- addition

mathematically, if the question is 16+8/2 x (20-10). what should you do first?
of course you would calculate the in the bracket first right?

so, it will be the same pathway in our life. we are suppose to put Islam first. our reference should be Al-Quran n Sunnah right?

seek for Allah's forgiveness and change the mindset. Tauhidic mindset for sure. InsyaAllah. with the helps of Allah, we are already in the right path. 
The Stairways to JANNAH. To meet Allah the exalted.


konklusi: words will not enough to describe. H.A.P.P.Y + Alhamdulillah 

1 comment:

  1. good job!! the beginning, we need to always stay in that 'safe' circumstance..after an enough time, we'll be strong enough to face any condition of life..Insyaallah...but after this, don't afraid to go out of that 'box'...:)
